With our area rug, stately pine trees and rich pine cones border will help your home feel cozy and comfortable. Made in the USA.
These rugs are made from premium Nylon, utilizing the exclusive "EnduraStran" construction which is integrated in the manufacturing process. The yarn system is fade resistant, antimicrobial and commercial grade tested for heavy traffic. The rugs are made from premium quality continuous filament Nylon. EnduraStran construction means the rugs will not wear out or ugly out like Polypropylene. Two soil lifting properties are added to the yarn during the manufacturing process which helps the yarn shed soil. A synthetic fluoropolmer is added to the yarn system which traditionally is used on non-stick coating for pans and other cookware. This means that our yarn is difficult to wet which makes cleaning our rugs an easy task. Simply clean the rugs with hot water which eliminates the needs for potentially harmful chemicals.